Urgent: Legislative Support Needed

Student Loan Forgiveness Legislation

Greetings Alaska PNACAC members!
As you may know, the House of Representatives recently passed legislation that would repeal Secretary DeVos’ rule on borrower defense to repayment, which allows federal financial aid to be forgiven if a college defrauds or misleads the student.  NACAC believes that the DeVos’ rule puts an unfair burden on students and taxpayers.  If it is repealed, the rule put in place during Obama’s administration will replace it. 
A coalition NACAC is part of is working to pass legislation in the Senate and they are specifically targeting certain Senators including Senator Murkowski from Alaska. PNACAC encourages you to fill out this action alert, urging Senator Murkowski to support this legislation which will allow students to have their federal student loans forgiven if a school employed illegal or deceptive practices to encourage the students to borrow debt to attend the school.

Please submit the action alert as soon as possible as the vote could happen as early as February 13th.

Questions? Contact Matt Allen, Government Relations Committee Chair.
Encourage Your Senators to Support S.J.Res.56
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