2025 Annual Conference

60 Years of Building Bridges

May 21 - 23, 2025

University of Portland

Portland, Oregon

Join us on the beautiful campus of the University of Portland to celebrate "60 years of Building Bridges" as we promote ethical standards and provide resources to our members to guide and empower students. 


Registration will open mid-late January 2025.


Fees do not vary by membership; non-members may register to attend

$350 Early Bird - before March 1, 2025

$450 Regular - March 1 - May 1, 2025

$535 Late - after May 1, 2025

$150 One-Day


Counselor's College Fair Registration - $50 per institution

Pre-Conference IDEA Workshop - $50 per person

Pre-Conference College Tours - rates and locations TBA

Session Proposals

👋 Looking for a co-presenter? Want to brainstorm session ideas? Join the conference-sessions channel in the PNACAC Slack Workspace! If you're not already in the PNACAC Slack, request to join. 

We are looking forward to offering panels, workshops and learning opportunities that take advantage of our collective experience in this dynamic profession. Presenting at PNACAC’s annual conference provides an excellent opportunity to share your experience and knowledge with our community of college admission professionals. Plus, if selected, you'll receive a $50 discount on conference registration!

For those receiving conference scholarships, volunteering is a requirement. Being a session presenter is a way to fulfill that requirement!

Successful conference proposals will:

Please note: For proposals that include fee-based resources, programs or vendors, at least one co-presenter needs to be a PNACAC member from the high school/IEC/CBO or college side. 


Questions can be directed to Educational Sessions Chairs Ty Eisbach, Claire Nold-Glaser, and Kaylan Tate at conference-sessions@pnacac.org.

Scholarships to Attend

PNACAC is pleased to offer scholarships to support conference attendance.

Priority is given to:

The scholarship may cover:

Conditions of receiving the scholarship:


Questions can be directed to Kirby Henningsen and John Moore, 2025 Spring Conference Scholarship Chairs, at conference-scholarships@pnacac.org.

Housing Information

Coming Soon!

Benefits of Attending

PNACAC serves the states of Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon and Washington by promoting ethical standards and providing resources to our members and colleagues who guide and empower students as they prepare for college admission. Our goal is to ensure every student in the Pacific Northwest has access to informed, engaged, and ethical college admission professionals in public and independent secondary schools, community-based organizations, community colleges and public and independent four-year colleges and universities.

The PNACAC Annual Conference is our organization’s premier professional development opportunity bringing together individuals who share our goal. Through workshops, educational sessions, shared interest group conversations, counseling and enrollment professionals gain new knowledge and a revived enthusiasm to improve the opportunities for students across our five states.

By attending our annual conference and pre-conference opportunities, you will: