Your Donations Count - Thank you


Thank You for Your Support

As the year comes to a close, please consider including PNACAC in your year-end giving. Your donations directly support student scholarships and professional development opportunities for your colleagues. We received dozens of donations in the month of November, many of them coming from past-presidents of PNACAC who wanted to give back to the organization that has done so much for them. Will you give back too?
Donate to PNACAC
You can also support PNACAC through AmazonSmile! By selecting PNACAC as your AmazonSmile charity organization of choice, 0.5% of what you spend on the site goes to PNACAC.

Log in to, search PNACAC, and select it as the charity organization you would like to support. You must make your Amazon purchases through the AmazonSmile website (not for proceeds to be donated. Easily support PNACAC's programs by making everyday purchases or doing your holiday shopping!
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